Wow... it's been 6 month since the last time i wrote on this blog, it's been that long huh .... i've never realize that the times goes so fast, and this blog has turned into some freakin' "graveyard". ok let start this all over again (^_^)
My Introduction to Photography
1 month ago "i don't know anything bout photography !! "
as the time goes on .....
today " i only know how to press the shutter button" :hammer:
i used to play football n' basketball in my college day, but ever since the graduation i found it hard to gather some friend ... and day by day that "fun" routines activities has become a "sometimes" activities. so i need a new hobbies, a new routines activities, a perfect gateway from something scary called "boredom".
then a friend of mine introduce me to something interesting called "Photography". to be honest, from the day i touch a friends DSLR camera and then bought ones, i only know how to press the shutter just like a "point and shoot" digital camera, i don't know anything bout any special technique or any theory bout photography. but i keep press the shutter, learning a technique by doing it, and it's fun.... it's amazingly fun. learning something new is always an enjoyable things and that's what matters. (^0^)
my crappy "shoot"
-The Green- this actually my work place ^_^ |
-another angle of the green- |